science | الصف الرابع الابتدائى - الترم الاول 2025 مع أستاذة جهاد صديق
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Gehad Sedik
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محتوى مسجل لمادة science للصف الرابع الابتائى - الترم الأول 2025
التعليقات (0)
خطة المنهج
2 أقسام
october revision
40 أسئلة
60 دقيقة
Passed grade: 20/40
Attempts: 0/1
خطة توزيع المنهج
الاسبوع الاول
3 أقسام
جروب التواصل | للحصص المباشرة | واتساب
1 أقسام
- 0:10 ساعة
جروب التواصل | للحصص المباشرة | واتساب
جروب التواصل | للحصص المباشرة | واتساب
10 دقيقة
الاسبوع الثانى
9 أقسام
شرح lesson1 ( adaptation )
تدريبات 1lesson (adaptation)
Homework on Lesson 1
0.64 MB
واجب 1lesson (adaptation)
شرح lesson 2 (types of adaptation)
تدريبات lesson2 (types of adaptation)
Homework on Lesson 2
0.69 MB
واجب lesson2 (types of adaptation)
exam of week 2
14 أسئلة
25 دقيقة
Passed grade: 10/14
Attempts: 0/1
الاسبوع الثالث
4 أقسام
شرح | digestive system | science
تدريبات | digestive system | science
Homework on Lesson 3
1.58 MB
واجب | digestive system | science
الاسبوع الرابع
9 أقسام
lesson 4: (How fish breathe) and Humans change the environment شرح
تدريبات lesson 4: (How fish breathe) and Humans change the environment
Homework on Lesson 4
0.81 MB
واجب lesson 4: (How fish breathe) and Humans change the environment
شرح lesson 5: Amphibians
تدريبات lesson 5: Amphibians
Homework on Lesson 5
0.47 MB
واجب lesson 5: Amphibians
General Revision on concept 1.1
الاسبوع الخامس
8 أقسام
شرح concept 1.2: Senses at work lesson 1: Dolphin senses
تدريبات concept 1.2: Senses at work lesson 1: Dolphin senses
Homework on Lesson 1
0.65 MB
واجب concept 1.2: Senses at work lesson 1: Dolphin senses
شرح lesson 2: Sensory organs of nocturnal animals, Nervous system and jerboa
تدريبات lesson 2: Sensory organs of nocturnal animals, Nervous system and jerboa
Homework on Lesson 2
0.5 MB
واجب lesson 2: Sensory organs of nocturnal animals, Nervous system and jerboa
الاسبوع السادس
9 أقسام
concept 1.2: Senses at work lesson 3: How Nervous System work and describing it
تدريبات concept 1.2: Senses at work lesson 3: How Nervous System work and describing it
Homework on Lesson 3
0.49 MB
واجب concept 1.2: Senses at work lesson 3: How Nervous System work and describing it
Lesson 4: Communication Systems and Technology inspired by nature
تدريبات Lesson 4: Communication Systems and Technology inspired by nature
Homework on Lesson 4
0.67 MB
واجب Lesson 4: Communication Systems and Technology inspired by nature
General Revision on concept 1.2
الاسبوع السابع
6 أقسام
concept 1.3: light and sight lesson 1: Hunting with night vision and sources of light
تدريبات concept 1.3: light and sight lesson 1: Hunting with night vision and sources of light
واجب concept 1.3: light and sight lesson 1: Hunting with night vision and sources of light
Lesson 2: Reflection of light and when Light strike matter
تدريبات Lesson 2: Reflection of light and when Light strike matter
واجب Lesson 2: Reflection of lightand when Light strike matter
الاسبوع الثامن
1 أقسام
مراجعة علي شهر اكتوبر
الاسبوع التاسع
8 أقسام
concept 1.3: light and sight lesson 3: Firefly light show
تدريبات concept 1.3: light and sight lesson 3: Firefly light show
واجب concept 1.3: light and sight lesson 3: Firefly light show
Lesson 4: transferring information
تدريبات Concept 1.3 Lesson 4
واجب Concept 1.3 Lesson 4
General Revision on concept 1.3
Exam on Concept 1.3
الاسبوع العاشر
6 أقسام
"concept 2.1: Starting and stopping lesson 1: Moving and static objects and Shock wave truck
"تدريبات ""concept 2.1: Starting and stopping lesson 1: Moving and static objects and Shock wave truck"
"واجب concept 2.1: Starting and stopping lesson 1: Moving and static objects and Shock wave truck"
Lesson 2: Balanced and unbalanced force, Motion and Force
تدريبات Lesson 2: Balanced and unbalanced force, Motion and Force
واجب Lesson 2: Balanced and unbalanced force, Motion and Force
الاسبوع الحادي عشر
8 أقسام
concept 2.1: light and sight lesson 3: Stopping motion and Rolling cars
تدريبات concept 2.1: light and sight lesson 3: Stopping motion and Rolling cars
واجب concept 2.1: light and sight lesson 3: Stopping motion and Rolling cars
Lesson 4: energy, force and work
تدريبات Lesson 4: energy, force and work
واجب Lesson 4: energy, force and work
General Revision on concept 2.1
exam on concept 2.1
الاسبوع الثاني عشر
1 أقسام
مراجعة نوفمبر
الاسبوع الثالث عشر
7 أقسام
concept 2.2 : Energy and motion lesson 1: Roller coasters and Importance of energy
تدريبات concept 2.2 : Energy and motion lesson 1: Roller coasters and Importance of energy
واجب concept 2.2 : Energy and motion lesson 1: Roller coasters and Importance of energy
concept 2.2 lesson 2: Potential and kinetic energy Part 1
concept 2.2 lesson 2: Potential and kinetic energy Part 2
تدريبات concept 2.2 lesson 2: Potential and kinetic energy
واجب concept 2.2 lesson 2: Potential and kinetic energy
الاسبوع الرابع عشر
8 أقسام
lesson 3: Forms of potential and kinetic energy and Types of energy
تدريبات lesson 3: Forms of potential and kinetic energy and Types of energy
واجب lesson 3: Forms of potential and kinetic energy and Types of energy
Lesson 4: Easy life tool
تدريبات Lesson 4: Easy life tool
واجب Lesson 4: Easy life tool
General Revision on concept 2.2
Exam on Concept 2.2
الاسبوع الخامس عشر
6 أقسام
concept 2.3: Energy and collision lesson 1: Collision and examples of collision Safety equipment in cars
تدريبات concept 2.3: Energy and collision lesson 1: Collision and examples of collision Safety equipment in cars
واجب concept 2.3: Energy and collision lesson 1: Collision and examples of collision Safety equipment in cars
Lesson 2: energy and collision
تدريبات Lesson 2: energy and collision
واجب Lesson 2: energy and collision
0 مراجعات